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Anita Lesko

Anita Lesko

Columbia University, USA

Title: An Autistic Love Story: Anita & Abraham’s All-Autistic Wedding


Biography: Anita Lesko


After getting diagnosed with Asperger’s at age 50, Anita Lesko immediately started an Autism Support Group in her community. One day her future husband, Abraham Nielsen attended one of the meetings. They immediately became friends. A year later, their relationship evolved into a romantic one. Due to unusual circumstances, they had to conduct their blossoming relationship in extreme secrecy. Abraham’s boss enabled them to have secret rendezvous by starting up an Underground Railroad. What often was like scenes in a movie, Anita and Abraham had to overcome extreme obstacles in order to meet, overcoming many characteristics of autistic individuals. Their deep love for each other enabled them to defy all stereotypes of autism. Anita and Abraham were married on September 26, 2015 in the first-ever ALL-AUTISTIC wedding. They decided to open their wedding to the public to help change the world’s view of autism. They wanted people to see that autistic people have the same needs for love, relationships and marriage just like everyone else. This event attracted international media attention including PEOPLE and Good Morning America. Now the newlyweds are enjoying married life, doing all the things that typical couples do, including attending baseball games, grocery shopping, cooking, maintaining their household, always together. They are inseparable.