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Omar Bagasra

Omar Bagasra

Claffin University, USA

Title: Environmental factors may contribute to autism development and male bias: Effects of fragrances on developing neurons


Biography: Omar Bagasra


Autism spectrumdisorders(ASDs ) are developmental conditions characterized by deficits in social interaction, impairments inverbal and non  verbal communication, and stereo typed patterns of behavior. Previous studies have implicated environmental factors in the development of ASD. Although no reliable neurophysiological network is associated with ASD, low levels of plasma oxytocin(OXY)and arginine vasopressin(AVP) have been reported. The “twin” non apeptides OXYandAV Paremainlypro- duced in the brainof mammals,and dys regulation of these neuropeptideshasbeenassociatedwith changes inbehavior,especiallysocialinteractions. Methods: Previously,weanalyzed91commonlyusedfragrancesandreportedsignificant mutagenic, neurocytotoxic,and stimulatory effects on fetal neuroblastomacelllines(NBC).Inthisstudy,weanalyzed the neuromodifications of three selected fragrances on maleandfemalehumanfetalbrainneurons, utilizing immunohistochemistry. Results: Weshowthatexposuretofemtomolarconcentrationsoffragrancesresultsinmorphological changes bylightmicroscopyintheNBC.Importantly,thesefragrancessignificantly reducedtheOXY-and AVP-receptorpositive(OXYRþ and AVPRþ) neuronsinmaleNBCbutnotinfemaleNBC,possibly contributing tothedevelopmentofmalebiasinASD. Conclusion: This studyisthe first toshowapotentiallinkbetweenfragranceexposure,depletionof OXYRþ and AVPRþ neurons, and amalebiasinautism.