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Wendey F.hensel

Wendey F.hensel

Georgia State University College of Law, USA

Title: People with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Workplace: An Expanding Legal Frontier


Biography: Wendey F.hensel


Although nearly half of all individuals diagnosed with ASD possess either average or above average intelligence, only a small percentage are employed, regardless of their level of education or individual qualifications. One study of adults with high functioning autism identified employment “as the single biggest issue or barrier facing them.” In the next eight years alone, experts predict a 230% increase in the number of young adults with ASD. As these numbers grow, there inevitably will be pressure to change the status quo and expand employment opportunities for them. At the same time, as a result of the amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act, litigants of all disabilities are increasingly successful in establishing class coverage and increased protection against disability discrimination in employment. Taken together, there is little doubt that increasing numbers of individuals with ASD will enter the labor pool over the next decade. This shift presents a tremendous opportunity both for people with autism to integrate the workforce and for employers to tap into the talents and abilities of a sizable population of workers. At the same time, it unquestionably will create new legal challenges relating to accommodation, as many of these workers will have unique needs. This presentation will explore the legal issues that are likely to arise in the context of the employment of people with autism, focusing on those who are sufficiently high-functioning to be capable of holding mainstream, independent employment outside of a workshop setting.