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Collen Tryner

Autism Sign Language Mentor and Parent of Nonverbal Young Adult with Autism,USA

Title: Using adapted autism sign language as a form of communication to lessen everyday struggles of children and young adults with autism


Biography: Collen Tryner


Adapted Autism Sign Language is a parent created method of teaching communication in an easy to learn format for those who have rejected all other Augmentative Alternative Communication. Communication makes us individuals, allowing us to express pleasure, pain, gratitude, anger, hunger, thirst, emotion, and brings us closer to another person. Using Adapted Autism Sign Language gives a strong way of communicating, using real life situations specific to the child/young adult. Reading the story together, paired with uniquely using sign language in a word for word format. This method was inspired by my own non-verbal son who rejected all other forms of communication, including PECs, Proloquo2Go and various applications of AAC. Being a concrete learner, like most individuals with autism, this has become a successful way of learning and maintaining what has been taught. It has given my own son an effective way to state needs and preferences upon question. Stories are based on everyday life as a tool for learning particular skills in areas of struggle; such as hygiene, how to let someone know if you’re sick, and even how to congratulate a friend for a success in their life. Without communication, not only is the parent lost and in a constant state of worry and self-doubt, but the child/young adult themselves lives secluded and unvalued by outsiders. This program is a stepping stone to communication, which would lessen the child/young adult everyday life challenges.