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Lorene Amet

Lorene Amet

Autism Treatment Plus, UK

Title: Childhood autism: Immunological and infectious aetiologies of the disorder


Biography: Lorene Amet


Autism is a mosaic disease, it presents in different shapes and colours. Previously thought to be a rare genetic disorder, it has over the last two decades become increasingly prevalent, affecting between 1 in 38 and 1 in 100 children, depending on the geographical location. Identifying the environmental and genetic factors at play is essential to develop effective remedial and preventive intervention strategies. The condition is commonly associated with a range of health problems with the most commonly encountered affecting the immune and digestive systems as well as metabolism, including methylation and sulfuration pathways. These can be identified through appropriate biomedical testing and clinical investigations. Treating these abnormalities can lead to significant improvements in the child’s health, development, social communication skills and behaviour. The presentation will provide an update of the current state of scientific and medical understanding of the condition, and present the range of clinical evidence in support of a convincing paradigm to explain the pathologies and developmental features of the condition.