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Moffat Makomo

Moffat Makomo

Occupational Therapist-Bermuda Hospitals Board, Bermuda

Title: Community based Teen life skills program: The Bermuda experience


Biography: Moffat Makomo


Introduction/rationale:  Community based programs for teenagers have been previously linked with effective acquisition of knowledge, change in perceptions, & attitudes as well as change in behaviors. This presentation will detail how new teen life skills program was able to address some of the barriers and equipped the participants with skills they needed. This program had teenagers with ASD and depression and anxiety who were involved in a two part program of workshops and job placement, for them to be able to put theory into practice.

Objectives: To outline the process of the teen life skills program from conception to implementation and through evaluation in hopes that the outline can be used to initiate similar programs worldwide. 

Approach: The process, objectives, benefits and opportunities in coming up with the program will be presented in the presentation.

Practice Implications: Creativity and adaptability in the practicing community will pave way for innovations and out of the box programs for teenager in our profession as Occupational Therapists. We are in an ever-changing world therefore addressing the needs of our community by developing services increases awareness of the benefit of life skills training for the teenage population in mental Health

Conclusions: Teen life programs are a great opportunity for teenagers to put theory into practice and develop the skills needed to attain and sustain employment opportunities.