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Alicia Trautwein

Alicia Trautwein

The Mom Kind, USA

Title: Parenting autistic children in the 21st century


Biography: Alicia Trautwein


With rates being 1 in 59 children in the United States being diagnosed with Autism, there is a real need for positive autism parenting advice. With the common use of social media and electronics by both autistic childed and adults, as well as the parents there of, a new world of information hasd come about. Social media and blogs are becoming the go to resource for parents in all categories, especially in the autism parenting realm.

In the last the last two years, there has been a movement of autistic parents becoming social influencers.  As one of those influencers, I have been able to reach parents that would not otherwise have any support.  Many parents of autistic children through out the world do not have a support system and also lack the insurance to see therapist for even the simpliest of questions.

Parents of autistic children struggle greatly with finding similar parents to connect with.  Prior to social media, this left many parents feeling completely isolated. By embracing social media, infulencers are able to help connect with parents and to help connect communities of parents together.  Sharing day to day life, stories, and advice online helps connect these parents in ways that other wise might be impossible.

In this discusion, we will be covering the common questions parents are asking, the use of social media to support parents, autistic children, and adults, as well as the roles that social influencers are taking in the online autism parenting realm.