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Ioannis Voskopoulos

Ioannis Voskopoulos

Tna Space Clinic, Greece

Title: Teaching Social Media Skills to Teens and Adults On The Autism Spectrum


Biography: Ioannis Voskopoulos


By the term «Social Media Network» we mean the media in which groups of people interact with each other via network communities. The most popular of the kind are Facebook, twitter, youtube, Linkedin and others. The Social Media Network can make the social circumstances less threatening, as they eliminate as well as diversify most of the social communication rules, they facilitate the topic selection of the conversations, they provide sentimental support, they are a source of constant updated info concerning the trends of the culture of the youth. 

The term that we will focus on in this speech is the adjective “social”. As it happens with the intervention associated with the social skills in the real world, an intervention plan is respectively needed in order to include the setting of targets in connection to the social skills in the virtual world. By emphasizing in the social transaction and the social rules of the digital society as well as the safe use of the media, the aim of this speech is to incorporate the already familiar cognitive and effective techniques (e.g. Social Stories) in this new world. During the presentation we will analyze case reports from real incidents and there will be a presentation of the intervention techniques.