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Lyliana Rivera Tirado

Lyliana Rivera Tirado

Lean Education Corp. Vega Baja, Puerto Rico

Title: The educational game used as a treatment to work the emotions of the child with autism


Biography: Lyliana Rivera Tirado


The concern about how to help children with autism control their emotions, led us to investigate the use of the game as an effective treatment. The game is the activity that children enjoy most during their first years of life and to which they spend more time. It is estimated that 60% of the time they spend awake are engaged in playing. The game is the first activity in which children participate and through which they begin to interact with everything that surrounds them. In fact, it is the first socialization agent that allows children to interact with others and develop their communication skills. While children play also stimulates the segregation of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in the functioning of motor, neuroendocrine and sensory functions, which also regulates the ability to concentrate, the formation of memories and the development of attention and logical thinking. The game strengthens neuronal connections, stimulates the development of the prefrontal cortex, contributes to the formation of the social brain. Having an active functioning of the child's brain is a predominant factor so that the child with autism can express their emotions. The emotions manifested during the game can help these are known and identified to guide the child towards the management and knowledge of their emotions. The emotions of children with autism is one of the concerns of caregivers and teachers. This is why the use of an effective tool like the game is of great help to all the people close to the child