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Collen Tryner

Autism Sign Language Mentor and Parent of Nonverbal Young Adult with Autism,USA


Colleen Nagle Tryner is the parent of an 18-year-old son with non-verbal Autism. She began diligently researching communication and how to teach skills of communicating to a non-verbal young child. She began homeschooling her son when he was 12-years-old due to his lack of any communication, causing severe behavioral issues with the school system. Leaving her job and devoting her life to finding a way to communicate with her son became her mission in life. She has documented her journey in numerous articles shared among the community of parents of disabled children, lectured at colleges to courses full of future Doctors, Teachers, Therapists, and Psychologists. She has observed other young adults to compare communication ability using other AAC versus Adapted Autism Sign Language. She records all sessions with her son and shares the video stories on various social media sites and her own personal webpage. Videos are shared in uncountable numbers by fellow parents as well as Doctors, Writers, Teachers and reputable corporations devoted to Autism Research


Abstract : Adaptive Autism Sign Language to Enlighten Caretakers and Prepare Sensorial Needs in Children and Young Adults with Sensory Integration Dysfunction in Autism.