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Elad Vashdi

Elad Vashdi

Yaelcenter Institute, Israel


Dr Elad Vashdi founded the Yael Center in 2005 and has treated over 1000 children with disabilities since 1996.  He has a doctorate in physiotherapy and published multiple articles in relation to childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), developmental disorders, child development and intellectual disability. 

 After working extensively with children with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability and CAS, he applied his expert knowledge of motor learning and child development to create a unique program for treating children with CAS called VML (Verbal Motor Learning). Following this he built a team of therapists (speech pathologists, psychologists, occupational therapists and educators) to develop a scientifically based complete developmental approach for treating children with special needs called MDT (Multi-dimensional therapy).



Abstract : The MDT method - A new integrative frame work for multi-disciplinary collaboration in treatment of children with ASD