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Hideki Kozima

Hideki Kozima

Tohoku University, Japan


Hideki Kozima completed his Ph.D in computer science from the University of Electro Communications (Tokyo, Japan) in 1994, then he joined National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Tokyo/Kyoto, Japan) as a researcher and senior researcher, where he developed “Keepon”, a therapeutic robot for autism.  In 2008, he joined Miyagi University (Miyagi, Japan) as a full professor at School of Project Design, and appointed as a vice president in 2013.  In 2017, he joined Tohoku University (Miyagi, Japan) as a full professor of Graduate School of Educational Informatics, and in 2018 as a full professor of Graduate School of Education.



Abstract : Granularity in brains and cognition: Toward a unified model of ASD