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Francine Baffa

Francine Baffa

Utah Valley University, USA

Title: Spectrum Voices: ASD Across College Campuses


Biography: Francine Baffa


Currently, only a limited number of colleges across the nation offer specialized supports that address the needs of the increasing number of college students on the autism spectrum pursuing postsecondary degrees. However, the 1 in 125 children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 1996 are starting to arrive at college campuses, and more recent numbers indicate the diagnosis rate has risen to 1 in 68, over half of whom will have average or above average intellectual ability and be college- bound (CDC, 2014). These dramatically increasing numbers within higher education will change the nature of how we support students, yet there is a lack of information available concerning effective support models. While students with ASD arrive at college with many favorable qualities, certain skill sets are typically underdeveloped and therefore negatively impact the transition into and persistence though college as well as their postcollege placement in the workforce. Self-advocacy, one of these areas, refers to knowing and communicating one’s needs while understanding corresponding rights, responsibilities and resources (Brinckerhoff, L.C., 1994). Paramount to success in this domain are self-awareness, the capacity to anticipate challenges, and the ability to access appropriate resources. Methods on how to create this awareness and enact steps in these areas will be discussed.