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Francine Baffa

Francine Baffa

Utah Valley University, USA


Dr. Francine Baffa is a certified special education teacher and board certified behavior analyst as well as a licensed social worker. She has consulted school districts, organizations, and families as an educational and behavioral consultant to develop effective programming strategies for students in direct instructional settings as well as inclusive environments. She has extensive experience in the areas of selfdetermination and measureable objectives for outcomes; Dr. Baffa has developed programming with emphasis in the areas of self-management and self-advocacy. Dr. Baffa currently teaches undergraduate courses in autism and behavior analysis; additionally she has developed course sequence for both master level and undergraduate programs that meet the BACB 4th edition task list. She supervises international and domestic candidates who are studying to become BCBA and BCaBA’s. Dr. Baffa works closely with colleagues developing multi-cultural approaches to service and support of this disability. She has expanded her practice internationally through her consulting service in India and supervision of BCBA candidates globally.


Abstract : Spectrum Voices: ASD Across College Campuses